Mamma Mia – Maternitatea azi

16, 17, 19, 20 Octombrie



Usually motherhood is thought of only in the best of terms. A mother’s love, dedication and sacrifice are rarely questioned, but what role does a mother actually play? What is the meaning of motherhood.

The films from this thematic sidebar come with a different approach. What happens when mothers are absent from their children’s lives, or when, for one reason or another, they can’t fulfil their role as a mother? Is the time we spend with our mother enough for us to truly know her? Should the children accuse their mothers for the failures they encounter in their adult lives? Most of the films in this sidebar present the portraits of mothers that find this role specifically difficult.


Events and discussions:


16 Oct, 19:00    – Film screening: Lots of Kids, a Monkey and a Castle / Guest: Psychologist Oana Vasiu


17 Oct, 18:00    - Film screening:  Solving My Mother / Guest: Psychologist Oana Vasiu


19 Oct, 17:00    - Film screening:  The Night / Guest: Psychologist Oana Vasiu


20 oct 15:30    - Film screening: Exit / Guest: Psychologist Oana Vasiu

- Cosmin Bumbuț and Elena Stancu present their new project: “The Residents”


Psychologist Oana Vasiu specializes in counselling and analytical psychology. She has done volunteer work with children with various disorders and disabilities, with adults belonging to disadvantaged groups, and with parents who lost one or more children. She is a founding member of the Association ''Mâini unite'' (Linked Hands) in Sibiu. She has conducted the parental counselling series of trainings ''Let's Talk About Kids'' and is an active participant in the other projects of the Association. 

